
Student writes on the classroom whiteboard

通识教育课程为深入学习广泛的学科奠定了基础. Through the 通识教育 Program, 学生培养充分参与日益复杂的世界所必需的技能和思维习惯.


通识教育课程旨在为所有学术专业和专业课程的学生提供受过大学教育的公民的知识和技能. 通识教育通过三门核心课程达到十一种学习成果, 七个配送区, 第二语言要求, and writing in each of the disciplines. 在第一年, 第一年写作提供了一个起点,在整个课程的各个层次的写作. 第一年也是如此, 在第一年的研讨会中,学生可以从大量有趣的主题中进行选择,以磨练他们的技能. 连接课程, 稍后在某人的节目中拍摄的, again use a topical approach to strengthen academic skills. 在每个学科中有目的地、明确地培养学生的写作能力,使其适合于各个学科的风格和背景.


转学生可以通过询问学校的通识教育要求来确定他们的状态 本科招生办公室 或者在 Office of the Dean of the 文理学院


完成通识教育荣誉课程, 学生必须在特别设计的荣誉课程中学习至少五门通识教育课程. Courses chosen normally include the Honors Core, which consists of Honors 第一年研讨会, 第一年写作, and Honors Connections (taken in the junior year). 其他荣誉课程在不同的学科提供分配要求. 虽然荣誉课程是为通识教育荣誉课程的学生保留的, if space permits and with the permission of the director of honors, other students may take honors sections. 有关更多信息,请参见 荣誉项目.​

通识教育 Requirements for Students



FYW 100(或FYWP) 是大一的必修课吗. 它向学生介绍大学水平的写作,并帮助他们培养在大学课程中取得成功所需的写作技巧. 成功完成课程(期末成绩C或更高)也将满足学院的写作要求. Courses are limited to twenty students.


100年财政年度, 由来自学院各个部门的教授讲授各种各样的主题, is required in the student's first year. Students are encouraged to choose a topic that interests them. 每个部分都以讨论为基础, and focused on developing skills in critical thinking, 口头交流, 研究和信息素养, 以及书面交流. 100年财政年度 is offered only in the fall and spring semesters. 进入学院时获得24个或以上学分的学生不被视为一年级学生,并且不受此要求的限制. Courses are limited to twenty students.


  • 音乐与社会世界
  • Raid the Collections: Making Discoveries in Rhode Island College Collections
  • 休克疗法:戏剧即行动
  • 全球健康展望
  • 文化s Collide: Indians and Europeans in Early North America
  • Not for Political Junkies Only: Making Sense of the 2020 Presidential Campaign
  • 语言与性别
  • Performance in the First Person: This is ME!
  • 《esball官方网》
  • 性权利,性错误
  • Philosophy of Mind and Mental Disorder
  • 权力与文化之山
  • 2020年大选的修辞
  • 你公司.:你的事
  • Global Imagination of Korean Media: Meanings and Significance
  • 美国的语言.S. 教育:谁的事?
  • Self, Mind, Heart in Eastern Philosophies
  • ‘Tattoos aren't just for sailors anymore’: Men, women, & 的身体
  • Talkies and more: The sociology of cinema through Hollywood
  • From Europe to the States: humour, friendship, and love through film remakes
  • Leadership Study Through the Biography
  • 美洲原住民艺术


“联系”类别的课程是强调比较视角的高级课程, 比如跨学科, 跨越时间, 跨越文化. 学生必须完成财政年度和FYW课程和至少45个大学学分才能参加连接课程.

AFRI 262 Cultural Issues in Africana Studies
ANTH 261 The Complexities of Global Health
ANTH 262 Indigenous Rights and the Global Environment
ANTH 265 Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood
ANTH 266 Anthropological and Indigenous Perspectives on Place
ART 261艺术与金钱
ART 262与全球艺术的相遇
BIOL 261世界的森林
COMM 261言论自由问题
COMM 262方言-我们所说的
COMM 263 East Asian Media and Popular 文化
ENGL 262 Women, Crime, and Representation
ENGL 267 Books That Changed American 文化
FILM 262 Cross-Cultural Projections: Exploring Cinematic Representation
GEND 261 Resisting Authority: Girls of Fictional Futures
GEOG 261 Globalization, Cities and Sustainability
HIST 263基督教
HIST 265 Post-1945 Conflicts in Africa and Globally
HIST 267 Europe and Beyond: Historical Reminiscences
HIST 268 Civil Rights and National Liberation Movements
HIST 269 Jazz and Civil Rights: Freedom Sounds
HIST 272 Globalization 15th Century to the Present
HIST 273 Latin America and Globalization, 1492-Present
HIST 274 历史 of the Dominican Republic
HIST 275俄罗斯从头到尾
HONR 264 Seminar in Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Issues
NURS 262 Substance Abuse as a Global Issue
NURS 264 Status of the World’s Children
NURS 266 Health and Cultural Diversity
PHIL 262自由与责任
PHIL 263上帝的观念
PHIL 265 Philosophical Issues of Gender and Sex
PHIL 266 Asian Philosophies: Theory and Practice
POL 262电源和社区
POL 266 Investing in the 下一个 Global Economy
POL 267 Immigration, Citizenship, and National Identity
PSCI 262太空:最后的边疆
SOC 262货币社会学
SOC 264 Sex and Power: Global Gender Inequality
SOC 267 Comparative Perspectives on Higher Education
SOC 268 Genocide, Atrocity, and Prevention
SUST 261 Exploring Nature through Art, Science, Technology
THTR 261 Contemporary Black Theatre: Cultural Perspectives


分布课程强调不同学科的思维方式和探究方法. Students are required to take one course in each of the following seven areas. For an up-to-date listing of applicable courses, please visit the esball官方网目录.

  1. 艺术-视觉和表演
  2. 历史
  3. 文学
  4. 数学
  5. 自然科学(需要实验室)
  6. 社会与行为科学
  7. Advanced Quantitative/Scientific Reasoning


RIC 100要求

RIC入门(RIC 100)课程旨在帮助一年级学生过渡到大学生活,特别是esball官方网社区, connecting each student with both an instructor and a peer mentor. The course covers such topics as the skills needed for academic success, getting the most out of working with your advisor, 照顾好自己. 这门一学分的课程每周授课一小时,分为满意/不满意. Students whose programs include COLL 101, 科尔150, or HONR 150 are exempt from the RIC 100 requirement.


esball官方网的毕业生应能在初级-中级熟练水平上用英语以外的语言进行交流和理解. 通识教育的第二语言要求就是为了满足这种期望而设计的.

  • 现代语言在线分班考试不能用于满足语言要求. 它只是一个选择类的工具.
  • 如果学生通过分班考试达到114级,他或她可以参加法语115. 意大利115年, 葡萄牙115年, 或Span 115,并满足语言要求和文学类别.


  1. By completing a RIC language course 102 or higher. 请注意,102语言课程的先决条件是完成101并取得及格成绩, 通过系内选定语言的在线分班考试进行分班, 或系主任同意. 完成ASL 102(美国手语)也满足第二语言要求.
  2. 通过从认可的学院或大学转到相当于102或更高的语言课程学分.
  3. 通过从批准的海外学习项目中转移第二语言课程学分.
  4. Through Advanced Placement (AP) credit. If students score three or higher on the AP Test in French, 德国, 或西班牙语, RIC will award 6 credits (equivalent to RIC language courses 113 and 114).
  5. Through 提前入学计划 credit for language courses 113 or 114. 希望获得语言课程101和102学分的学生必须参加CLEP考试.
  6. By completing the CLEP Test in French, 德国, 或西班牙语, with a score on the Level I test of 50 or higher.
  7. 通过完成ACTFL口语水平面试(OPI)和没有CLEP或AP考试的语言笔试. Level: OPI (offered in 65 languages): Novice Mid to High. Written test: Novice High (offered in twelve languages).
  8. By completing the SAT II Subject Test (scores vary according to language).
  9. 外国/国际学生必须提交来自非英语原籍国的正式初中或高中成绩单.


