Anthropology B.A.

Students doing archeology

Program Overview

人类学被恰当地称为最具人文主义的科学和人文学科中最科学的学科. The B.A. 人类学将为你在社会和行为科学的许多领域的职业生涯做好准备, education, government service, technical fields and business, particularly in an international setting. 它是社会科学和行为科学中范围最广的,因为它的领域涵盖了人类在时间和空间上的一切. 这一巨大的事业意味着人类学发展了专门的分支领域, including anthropological linguistics, archaeology, cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. Internships, field experiences and study abroad are encouraged.

Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals





Outcome 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to collect, analyze, and present data guided by anthropological theory.

Upon completion of this program, students will:

  • 了解人类学四个分支学科的基本概念.
  • 展示对人类和动物研究的伦理考虑的理解.
  • 展示运用人类学概念和内容来理解周围世界的能力.
  • 展示在人类学理论指导下收集、分析和呈现数据的能力.

Writing in the Discipline

Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

人类学试图从一个整体的角度来理解什么是人类:通过遥远的和最近的时间, 在全球范围内跨越空间,在人类和非人类灵长类群体之间进行比较. Writing is a fundamental and necessary part of the practice of anthropology, 从实地调查期间的数据收集,到以报告的形式向esball官方网和公众传播结果和结论, articles and books. Capturing the nuances and complexities of behaviors in a variety of contexts, past and present, 要求能够以不同的风格和不同的目的写作.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?

而学生在四门入门课程中被介绍到该学科的写作, 人类学系的WID指定课程是ANTH 233:人类学方法和ANTH 460:高级研讨会. 这两门课程结合并建立在本专业其他课程的技能和知识的基础上,学生在这两门课程中学习如何提出和回答人类学问题. 在ANTH 233课程中,学生学习使用适当的人类学方法并创作各种书面材料,而在ANTH 460课程中,学生将在这些技能的基础上进行一个学期的研究项目,最终完成一篇符合人类学写作惯例的论文.

你将在WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

在为一系列正式写作项目收集和分析数据的过程中,学生将学习人类学写作的惯例以及人类学写作的一些不同形式. Students learn how to record observations; write analyses of data in report and narrative forms; write academic papers that conform to anthropological writing conventions.

What kinds of teaching practices will you encounter in your WID courses?

Practices that students will encounter include mandatory and voluntary drafting and revision; scaffolded assignments; peer and instructor feedback in writing and individual conferences; formal and informal writing; critical reading/deconstructing academic papers.

What should I be able to do when I have satisfied your WID requirement?

使用适当的写作风格来收集基于各种野外技术的人类学数据,并提出你的结论和数据的含义, 你会学到用循证写作来干预你周围世界的力量.