

If you use testing accommodations and your professor has indicated that s/he cannot administer your exam and that you will need to make testing arrangements in 残疾人服务, 请遵循以下步骤:

你必须联系残疾人服务中心 最少1周 在考试日期之前. If you do not provide 1 week advanced notice, 你的考试将不会被安排. Requests made with less than 1 week will be documented for further review by the Director of 残疾人服务 to determine 1.)未给予充分通知的原因.) Whether a waiver of the rule would be possible based on room availability and also how many times the same student has made requests with less than one week advanced notice.

如果你的课程大纲已经列出了 所有 考试日期, you are strongly encouraged to pre-book 所有 of your tests for the semester.



  • 你的姓和名
  • 你的班级和教授的名字
  • 考试的日期和时间
  • How much time the professor is giving the rest of the class for the test. This information is needed to calculate the correct amount of time for your test.

残疾人服务部将为您预留一个房间. 在考试当天, report to 残疾人服务 in Fogarty Life Science at your scheduled time and staff safely store your belongings and will escort you to the reserved room.

如果你的考试被安排在整个课堂上进行, 完成后,你不需要返回课堂. In you are eligible for extra time you may need to schedule your exam to start earlier and/or end later. 

如果您的测试只安排在课堂的一部分时间内进行(例如.g. test first followed by lecture), you should return to class when finished with the test. 如果考试之后是讲座,你应该安排考试 有一个更早的开始时间, so you can arrive back to class on time when you are done with your test.

If your test must rescheduled due to inclement weather or the professor’s decision to postpone, 联络残疾服务 在教授通知你新考试日期的当天

没有特殊情况, you must schedule take your test on the same date the rest of your class is taking it. 教授的许可 总是 needed, in advance, if you are seeking to take your test on a different day. The 残疾人士服务中心 will only support moving a test date if there is a 清楚,残疾相关 需要另定日期的原因. 残疾人服务 will not advocate for moving tests for non--disability related reasons such as work schedules or other student commitments.


对于需要额外时间和/或单独地点进行考试的学生, in most cases accommodations will be provided by the professor within the professor's department. 如果一个教授 不能 to make the arrangements, the student must notify the 残疾人士服务中心 至少在考试日期前一周提交 与残疾服务中心预约测试时间.


  • You should provide your professor with a Request for Reasonable Accommodations form (obtained after you have registered in 残疾人服务) 在学期开始的时候 并讨论如何实施这一调整.
  • 除了提供首字母, 对于每个测试, you must ask your professor to arrange your testing accommodations within his/her own department 至少一周前 实际测试日期,以确保您的需求得到满足.
  • 如果你的教授表示他/她是 不能 to make arrangements within his/her department, you must contact the 残疾人士服务中心 至少提前一个测试日期来安排你的测试.
  • If you do not provide 残疾人服务 with at least one week advanced notice of the test date, 你的考试将不会被安排 and your request will be documented for further review by the Director of 残疾人服务.
  • Extended time for tests 所有ows you to have additional time to complete the exam on the same day it is scheduled for the class, 不能在以后参加考试(e).g. due to lack of preparedness of any non-disability-related circumstances).
  • 如果记录, discuss your need to have a separate location in which to take your exam that will help to reduce distractions. Please keep in mind that separate rooms are not guaranteed to be 100% distraction-free or private. However, disposable earplugs are available from 残疾人服务 upon request
  • Discuss with your professor the amount of time you will need to complete the exam (usu所有y 1 ½ to double time, 视文件而定). The extra time should be scheduled to NOT interfere with your regularly scheduled classes.


For Students needing specialized testing accommodations (for example: scribes, 读者, 或辅助技术), testing accommodations usu所有y need to be arranged in cooperation with 残疾人服务.


  • 致电(456-2776)或前往残疾服务中心 至少提前一周 安排你的考试,如果需要这样的住宿.
  • If you do not provide 残疾人服务 with at least one week advanced notice of the test date, 你的考试将不会被安排 and your request will be documented for further review by the Director of 残疾人服务.
  •  Extended time for tests 所有ows you to have additional time to complete the exam on the same day it is scheduled for the class, 不能在以后参加考试(e).g. due to lack of preparedness of any non-disability-related circumstances).
  • 确保你准时到达. 如果你迟到了, you will cut into your extended exam time and you may not have enough time to complete the exam.
  • If you are 不能 to take your exam as scheduled, you must c所有 your professor  残疾人服务. 教授会决定 何时或如果 你可以重新安排时间.
  • If you do not c所有 or show up, your exam will be returned to your professor.
  • Only items indicated by your professor on the Accommodation form will be 所有owed into the testing location.
  • 你不允许携带个人物品(钱包), 背包, 手机, smartwatches, 食品和/或饮料, 等.)参加考试. All personal items will be locked up and returned to you upon completion of your exam.


学术诚信是学术共同体的基础. Students who violate College rules on academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, 包括失败或从课程中除名的可能性, 留校察看, 和/或开除学籍. Individual schools may have additional standards and policies related to academic honesty.