The Value of a Liberal 艺术 Education


Learning to think Critically

文科对个人的本质提出了更深层次的问题, society and our physical world. Students learn not only how to do things but also 为什么 我们做这些. This kind of thinking is essential for leadership in business, 政府, 教育 and other fields.

文科专业包括社会科学、自然科学和人文科学. Most majors are around 40 credits, 使学生有可能拥有第二专业或辅修领域.

文科和理科教育为学生提供了在各个研究领域的广泛知识和在某一特定领域的深入知识. Students develop skills in problem-solving, critical and analytical thinking, 研究, quantitative reasoning, and oral and written 沟通.

"Technical knowledge is important, but it’s not enough. Pursue a major in the liberal arts."

Choosing a Liberal 艺术 Education

15 skills every employer needs

  • 雇主想要的是那些能适应主观性和模糊性的人.  Often there are multiple solutions or approaches to solving a problem. 许多工作都需要细致入微的思考——这不是简单的非黑即白,而是要深入挖掘表面之下的东西. 
  • 需要有解决问题的能力,并能从多个和知情的角度解决问题. 这意味着你明白大多数问题都是多面性和多维度的, requiring a broad knowledge base in addition to specialized training. 雇主看重的是那些既掌握了内容基础,又有广博的知识,并能将这些知识用于解决问题的员工.
  • Employees must have excellent verbal 沟通 abilities. 他们需要能够清晰地表达自己的想法,以便与同事以及他们所服务的人进行有效的沟通. 良好的词汇量,表达能力和逻辑思维,以及融洽的关系都很重要.
  • 积极倾听或倾听并充分理解他人想法和观点的能力是有效沟通所必需的. An employee must be able to give thoughtful consideration to others, especially when there are differing opinions.
  • Employees must have excellent written 沟通 skills. That includes being able to spell and use correct grammar. 雇主想要的是能够根据不同理解水平和不同目的进行写作的人.   
  • Employees need to have excellent 研究 skills. They need to be willing to dig to get accurate and meaningful data. Data collection methods such as conducting surveys, 面试, utilizing databases and observation are valued. Archival 研究 and online web-sourcing are also useful tools to have.
  • Employers want people who have excellent analytical skills, 能够组织信息的人和能够处理复杂数据集的人. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods are important.
  • 道德思维和诚信对任何组织的福祉都至关重要, ensuring the respect and reputation of its employees. 企业通常包括诚信管理,以促进工作场所的道德行为和个人诚信. These include responsibility to oneself as well as to the group, reliability and an internal moral compass.
  • The ability to thrive in a diverse environment is necessary. Diversity can mean many things: age, 性, 种族, physical or cognitive ability, 教育, 社会经济水平, 等. 文科教育使学生能够适应日益多样化的环境, regardless of what profession one pursues, intercultural understanding is key.
  • Collaboration is a highly desirable skill sought by employers. Liberal arts majors will be required to complete group projects, which calls on their ability to work with others; to respect another’s opinion; to listen to and acknowledge the feelings, 感知, opinions and ideas of others; to successfully complete tasks in order to contribute to the larger goal; and to support group decisions even when members are not in total agreement.
  • 雇主们寻找的是那些热爱自己所做的工作并能坚持到底直到完成工作的员工.  他们希望员工能够致力于长期目标,而不是一时的满足.
  • 雇主寻求的是创造力、创新能力和以新颖的方式解决问题的能力.
  • Because the world is ever and rapidly changing, 雇主对雇佣有持续学习承诺的员工很感兴趣. 文科教育促进终身学术参与的承诺,将准备专业,以满足未来未知的需求, 这是, the ability to anticipate, respond to and manage change.
  • Applied knowledge is highly desirable; it is hands-on, real-world experience. Many majors and programs offer internships and field courses, and all majors offer independent study, 在定向学习和定向阅读课程中,学生可以磨练这些技能.
  • 雇主和, 让我们面对现实吧, 员工在工作场所寻求个人满足感:能够做自己喜欢的事情是令人满足的. If you will be spending 40 hours a week at a job, 如果你在做对你有意义的事情,你会得到最大的满足感, and that can only translate into being a better employee.

If you’re not sure which major to pursue, we have designed ‘exploratory majors’ to help you make this decision.

  • 探索艺术 – leads to majors in art, music, theatre, dance or film studies.
  • Exploring the Social and Behavioral Sciences – leads to majors in Africana studies, 人类学, 沟通, gender and women's studies, 地理位置, 司法研究, 政治科学, 心理学, public administration or sociology.
  • Exploring the Sciences/Math – leads to majors in biology, computer 科学 and information systems, 化学, 数学, physics or health 科学.
  • Exploring the Humanities – leads to majors in English, history, modern language or philosophy.

大多数专业大约是40个学分,通识教育项目是40个学分. Students must complete 180 credit hours to graduate. 通识教育中通常有一些课程可以用来满足专业要求.  

With careful planning and working closely with a faculty advisor, students completing a double major can finish in the normative time. 修读双学位,尤其是当两个专业都是互补的时候,可以扩展你的技能. 

It is also possible to pair a major with a minor. Most minors require 18-22 credit hours of course work.

文科的所有专业和项目都为学生提供了开展自己的研究项目或创作和表演艺术的机会. 学生选择一名教师导师,与他们一起工作,并参加独立学习或指导学习课程.

做出大胆的选择! Major in the Liberal 艺术.

esball官方网的文理学院在社会科学领域提供32个专业和39个辅修专业, 科学, 数学, 人文艺术. Learn by doing and do what you love.

Rhode Island College entrance


Faculty of 艺术 and Sciences

文理学院是一个以学术卓越而自豪的esball官方网社区, diversity and service.