


There are a limited number of Graduate Assistantship positions each year. Assistantships are available to graduate students matriculated in degree programs. The positions start at the opening of the fall semester and end on the last day of the spring semester. On this page you will find a list of all available assistantships organized by schools.


研究生助理 for 2024-2025

这些助教名单, 按学校组织, provide descriptions of each position and information on how to apply. Download the application and submit it along with any other required materials to the contact person listed in the job posting.

  • Nursing Educational Center (NEC) 残疾人服务 Center
  • Nursing Educational Center (NEC) Writing Center
  • Nursing Educational Center (NEC) Simulation Lab
  • 社会工作硕士


Graduate assistantships offer many opportunities for professional development while providing a small stipend and a tuition waiver. 今天就开始填写表格!



Graduate and Teaching Assistantships are limited to accepted degree candidates (including international students in the students in the F-1 or J-1 visa categories) who will be enrolled full time in their plan of study for the 2024-2025 academic year. It is appropriate for prospective students who have applied to graduate programs but are not yet matriculated to apply for Assistantship positions. Awards are based on academic achievement and fit with program needs. Assistantships can be revoked if students earn grades below a B. Appointments are for one year and are subject to satisfactory job performance.


申请截止日期为3月13日 and students may apply to as many positions as they feel qualified. See the individual posts for application information. Each program or department has its own schedule for interviewing, but most will conduct interviews in March or April and make their appointments by June 15th.

您可以查看或下载 研究生助学金申请.


Students holding appointments as graduate and teaching assistants must carry a minimum of six credits each semester and may not register for more than nine credits without prior written permission from the appropriate Academic Dean. The acceptance of an assistantship assumes full-time commitment to academic activities.


The full-time GA or TA will work 20 hours per week and half-time GA’s will work 10 hours per week during the fall and spring semester when classes are in session. The duties and responsibilities vary according to the program or office but may include providing assistance to RIC students (残疾人服务, 绿洲, 退伍军人资源中心), 从事研究和数据收集工作, or preparing for and supervising laboratory sections.


Full-time Graduate and Teaching Assistants receive an annual stipend of $3,150. 中场休息GA获得1575美元. Full-time positions are accompanied by a waiver of all tuition for courses at Rhode Island College for the academic year and for one summer (the summer previous to or following the appointment). Students with half-time positions receive a waiver of half tuition for courses at Rhode Island College for the academic year and one summer.​​​​​​




我们支持我们的学生, 大多数是工作的专业人士, 当他们管理职业生涯时, 家庭, 研究生院. We offer one of the most affordable master’s degrees in the Northeast, creating pathways to new professional options and career advancement.