Marketing B.S. and Minor

Girl with sign

Drive Products, Services, and Businesses

Marketing is a key driver of business. The world is teeming with innovative products, services, technologies, solutions, business models, etc., 一个企业必须知道如何将他们的新产品推向市场,并获得目标受众的关注. RIC’s B.S. 市场营销课程教你如何研究和分析产品和服务推广的重要数据,以及如何建立业务, message, product, 为吸引和服务特定客户群提供服务和支持.


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Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions


Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • analyze data for marketing decision making
  • integrate a global perspective to marketing issues and challenges
  • design exploratory and descriptive marketing research
  • 将消费者行为原则应用于营销问题和挑战
  • create strategic marketing plans
  • apply the concepts of market segmentation and product positioning

Writing in the Discipline


管理和营销专业人员需要有能力以多种形式与许多选区进行沟通,并与各种利益相关者进行沟通,以促进决策和提供信息. 管理人员在这两个领域的主要职能是扫描环境, 从中收集信息,并使用这些信息来帮助他们的组织进行调整. Doing so includes interpreting and explaining data, developing standards based on it, 分析各种类型的报告,并撰写战略业务和营销计划. In short, 优秀的书面沟通是管理和营销领域的基本技能.

哪些课程被指定为符合(学科写作)WID要求? Why these courses?

MGT 201, 341, 461和MKT 201被指定为管理计划的学科课程中的写作. These courses are common to all management majors. They provide students the opportunities to explain and interpret management situations; apply management theories to current organizational issues; learn how to research, collect and interpret qualitative information; and construct persuasive arguments based on that information. 专注于人力资源管理的学生也将在MGT 430学习写作.

MKT 201, 462, MGT 201, 和341被指定为市场营销计划的学科课程中的写作. 这些课程为学生提供了分析和描述一般市场和特定客户行为的机会, think creatively, develop new product ideas and write strategic marketing plans.


学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

In management WID courses, genres of writing include short topic analyses, extensive research papers, journal entries, case studies, reflective and comparative essays and complete business plans. In Marketing WID courses, genres of writing include short analytic essays, customer profiles, lecture-type presentations, speeches, market analysis papers, creative projects and strategic marketing plans. 这些是管理人员和市场营销人员日常使用的书面沟通工具. They are essential skills to develop for a career in either field.


学生将在管理和市场营销课程中找到一系列的教学实践. For example, 学生被布置了各种写作任务,要求他们学习各自领域的写作要求. 他们在商业学术课程中学习正确的写作格式,并被教导正确参考和引用以避免抄袭的重要性. 案例研究和商业计划允许学生分析现实生活中的组织问题,并通过应用理论提出建议. 他们还学会了通过提出一个观点,并用数据和证据来支持它,从而使写作具有说服力的重要性. 报告和演讲给学生机会练习与听众交谈. 教师对所有作业的详细反馈可以让学生复习, and sometimes revise, the content of their projects so they learn how to improve future work.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

Once they’ve completed their WID courses, 管理和市场营销专业的学生应精通各自领域内各种形式的书面沟通. This includes: analyzing organizational environments and markets, writing persuasively, thinking critically and creatively, and developing strategic plans.​​​​

Minor in Marketing

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities.

Minor in Marketing

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Department of Management and Marketing


  • placeAlger Hall 203​