

硕士到dnp课程是为持有BSN和MSN或相关领域硕士学位的学生设计的., MPH, MHA等.).



  • effectively 翻译 scientific research into practice
  • contribute new knowledge to current practice
  • advance the health-care profession


Course Format and Typical Program Length

DNP courses are delivered in a hybrid format. 典型的学习计划允许在三年内完成课程. Full-time students may complete the program in two years; however, all students are required to have 完成 the program in seven years.

CCNE accreditation logo


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, 和esball官方网的护理实践博士课程获得了大学护理教育委员会(http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).


应用 to the Graduate School at RIC

Our application can be submitted online. 要开始这个过程,你需要在CollegeNET注册一个帐户. Once you have a CollegeNET account, you will be able to log in any time and see your Activity Log, which shows you a personalized status page.



Admission to the Doctor of Nursing Practice program is competitive. Ideal candidates demonstrate a history of academic success, 强有力的领导, and potential for future success in leadership and practice scholarship. Applications are submitted online via CollegeNET.

申请人 must submit the following:

  • 完成 申请表 accompanied by $50 nonrefundable application fee
  • 目前在预期执业状态的无限制注册护士执照
  • MSN degree or a BSN and master's degree in a related field
  • proof of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at the graduate level
  • transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended
  • 在过去五年内完成研究生水平的推论统计课程, with a minimum grade of C (请注意:没有完成研究生统计课程的学生可以被录取,并且可以在入学一年内完成这一要求. Students may not progress beyond 12 months until this requirement is met.) 
  • 验证在研究生阶段完成的临床/经验小时数 (请注意:证明须由项目主任或主席以学校抬头的信纸提供.)
  • 证明候选人领导能力和实践经验的意向陈述, 他们攻读博士学位的原因和他们对DNP学术项目的潜在重点领域 (请注意:此陈述应代表申请人的写作能力. 简历应该是两到四页,双倍行距,用12号字体书写.)
  • current résumé or curriculum vitae
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • possible interview prior to admission, if asked

International 申请人

  • 具有国际学位的申请人必须将其成绩单评估为与美国地区认可机构的学位和等级等效.
  • 来自英语不是第一语言的国家的国际申请人需要提供英语作为外语考试(托福)成绩的官方报告.

Non-Matriculated Students

esball官方网获得的非入学状态的学生在进入学位课程之前获得的学分,只有在学生的导师或Zvart Onanian护理学院研究生委员会的推荐下才能用于学位要求, with the approval of the dean. 非入学学生在esball官方网修读的课程总共不超过6个学分,可用于DNP计划的学位要求.


  • All students are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (grade of B) or greater in their graduate program.
  • Students who earn less than a B, 包括一个等级的美国, in a required nursing course will be 的地方d on probationary status.
  • 在接下来的9个学分中,处于见习状态的学生必须在所有必修的护理课程中达到最低成绩B.
  • Two grades below a B are sufficient cause for consideration of dismissal. 关于学生身份的决定将由DNP项目主任与院长协商后做出.
  • 学生可能被要求在DNP项目主任的自由裁量权重复一门课程.


DNP计划的学生将展示对高级护理实践(AACN)博士教育所有要点的掌握, 2006年)和AACN(2021年)护理十大领域的能力和二级子能力, leading to achievement of the following DNP End-of-Program Outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate the integration, 翻译, 合成, and application of established and evolving knowledge from basic science, nursing knowledge and other ways of knowing, 以及其他学科,这些学科的临床判断建立在广泛的知识基础上. [Domain 1] [DNP Essentials I, III, VIII] 
  2. 在整个组织/系统的高级护理水平评估以人为本的护理, 提供者, 病人, 和/或人口水平,关注多个复杂背景下的个体, including family and/or important others. [Domain 2] [DNP Essential II, V, VI, VII, VIII] 
  3. 设计人口卫生系统,跨越从公共卫生预防到人口疾病管理的卫生保健服务连续体. [Domains 3, 6, 9] [DNP Essentials VI, VII, VIII] 
  4.  生成, 合成, 翻译, 批评, 应用, 传播护理知识,改善健康,改变卫生保健. [Domains 1, 4, 5, 7, 10] [DNP Essentials I, II, III, IV, V, VIII] 
  5. Optimize health and healthcare outcomes using principles of health, 质量, 安全, and implementation science, through both system effectiveness and individual performance. [Domain 5, 7] [DNP Essentials I, II, IV, VII, VIII] 
  6. Lead collaborative initiatives across professions and with care team members, 病人, 家庭, 社区, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare experience, 加强成果.[Domains 2, 6,7] [DNP Essentials V, VI, VII, VIII] 
  7. Design evidence-based methodologies, 系统思考, 业务, and financial acumen to provide safe, 质量, evidence-based and equitable care to diverse populations. [域3、4、5、7、9、10][DNP要点,II、III、IV、V、VI、VII、VIII] 
  8. 分析信息和通信技术以及信息学过程以收集数据, 支持护理服务, and inform decision making. [Domains 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10] [DNP Essentials , II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII] 
  9. 培养包含自我反思实践的高级专业护理身份, commitment to inclusivity and social justice, 问责制, 体现护理价值观的合作倾向和道德行为. [Domains 6, 9, 10] [DNP Essentials I, II, V, VI, VIII] 
  10.  Foster organizational commitment to promote personal health, 弹性, well-being; contribution to lifelong learning; expansion of nursing expertise, and the assertation of leadership. [Domains 9, 10] [DNP Essential VIII] 
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