Dr. 伊丽莎白·吉本斯·霍尔兹曼

  • 教授


Ph.D. 2000 University of Texas-Austin 教育al Psychology-School Psychology


BA 1992 Colgate University Philosophy, Psychology


Holtzman E. & Obel-Omia C. (2017). Mindfulness and Student Teaching: Practice Makes Perfect (Just As You Are!). 在K. 伯恩斯J. E. 道尔顿, & E. 多尔曼(Eds.) Contemplative Approaches in Pre-Service Teacher 教育, Rowman & 李特佛尔德. 

Tortolani C.马拉提诺,K.,凯恩,P.昆克尔,C.霍兹曼,E., & 鲍比达K. (2018). The Integration of Mindfulness into Training Graduates in School Psychology, Counseling and 领导: A Rationale and Sample Curriculum. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research and Practice. 

鹰,J.鹰,S.霍兹曼,E. & Synder,. (2014). 实施多层次支援系统:学校心理学家与行政人员合作促进系统层面的转变. Journal of 教育al and Psychological Consultation. 

Holtzman E., Dukes, T.W & 页面中,T. (2012). Interdisciplinary school leadership development for pre-service graduate students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher 教育. 


Holtzman E. (2019年11月). 从新方法到基本实践的转变:重新思考教师培训,以支持创伤知情的课堂管理. Critical Questions in 教育 Symposium, Chicago, IL. 

里士满,M.卡尔扎达,J.费尔涅,R.福塔多,K., & Holtzman E. (2019年2月). Applications of the DEP Model: Adding Peer Supervision. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. 

弗瑞,J.霍兹曼,E. Dowd-Eagle,年代. & 鹰,J. (2019年2月). Assessing Competency- Based Field Experiences in School Psychology. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. 

Holtzman E.里士满,M. Linhares T. & Ferraioli,. (2018年2月). From the Mouths of Practicum Students: Effective Supervision---DEP Model. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 

理查森,J.霍兹曼,E.福塔多,K. & Feragne R. (2018年2月). Trauma-sensitive classrooms: Training pre-service providers to respond not react. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 

Holtzman E. 2月(2017). Practicing From the Inside Out: Cultivating Teacher Wellness through Mindfulness. 在全国学校心理学家协会年会上举办的小型技能研讨会, 圣安东尼奥, TX. 

Holtzman E. & 理查森,J. 2月(2016). Secular Mindfulness Within a PBIS frame: Pre K- 5th. 在新奥尔良,洛杉矶,全国学校心理学家协会年会上发表. 

Holtzman E. (2016年10月). 在正念练习中培养自我同情,以对抗学生和老师的完美主义. Presented at Critical Questions in 教育 Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Malatino K.托尔托洛尼,C.霍兹曼,E.基恩,P. & 鲍比达K. (2014年9月). 
Integrating Mindfulness Into Counselor Professional Identity. Paper presented at NARACES Regional Conference, 波士顿. 

克劳斯,R.G年8月. & Holtzman E. (2012年8月). Mt Pleasant高中教师学院:招聘和保留多样化的教师候选人. 科技大学发表论文. 波士顿. 

鹰,J.鹰S. & Holtzman E. 2月(2012). Evaluating Intern Service Delivery: Accountability in School Psychology Training Programs. Paper presented at National Association of School Psychologist Annual Convention. 费城,宾夕法尼亚州. 

Holtzman E., Dukes, T. & 页面中,T. 2月(2011). Interdisciplinary School 领导 Development for Pre-Service Graduate Students. Paper presented at National Association of School Psychologist Annual Convention. 旧金山. CA. 

Holtzman E. 2月(2011). A Class Wide Holistic Program for Reducing Anxiety in Youth. Paper to be presented at National Association of School Psychologist Annual Convention. 旧金山,加州. 

Holtzman E.Lebeouf, L; & Piccirillo,. 3月(2010). 教育 professionals and teen dating violence: Roles, responsibility and opportunity. 在伊利诺斯州芝加哥举行的全国学校心理学家协会年会上发表的论文. 

Holtzman E. 3月(2010). From yoga to group counseling: Addressing one classroom’s anxiety needs. 在伊利诺斯州芝加哥举行的全国学校心理学协会年会上发表的论文. 

鲍比达K.M.霍兹曼,E., Metro, S.Leboeuf, L. & Piccirillo,. 2月(2010). 教育 professionals and teen dating violence: Roles, responsibility, opportunity. Poster presented at the National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & 生命中的虐待,达拉斯,德克萨斯州. 

Holtzman E.G.达西先生.G., Dukes, T.W.鹰,J.,第T页.A .辛德.M. & Dowd-Eagle,年代. E. 2月(2010). Enabling shared leadership: Cross-disciplinary graduate training and practice. 第42届新英格兰教育研究协会年会专题讨论会, 朴茨茅斯, NH. 

Holtzman E.G. & Piccirillo,. (2009年4月). 促进国际扶轮教师候选人知识及自我效能以应对青少年约会暴力. 在波士顿,麻萨诸塞州全国学校心理学家协会年会上发表的论文.


CEP 605学校心理学实习
CEP 603专业学校心理学
CEP 602 Social-Emotional Assessment and Intervention
CEP 538临床实习
CEP 552 Psychological Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
CEP 537团体辅导简介
注意! 正念与教育



Interdisciplinary School 领导 Development Seminar

3 session inter departmental series---School culture is, 在某种程度上, comprised of the beliefs shared by education professionals, 包括主体, 学校辅导员和学校心理学家. This series examines beliefs of pre-service graduate students in Counseling, 教育领导和学校心理学,关于每个特定学科在解决具有挑战性的学生行为方面的角色和功能. This process will utilize “crucial conservations” (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan & Switzler, 2002)揭示了学校纪律系统的潜在假设,以及它们对具有不同情感和行为需求的学生的反应. 跨学科合作对研究生发展的影响将通过理论讨论来检验, 体验式学习和案例培训.



RIC-Teach for America联络处2018年至今


Educator dispositions to promote culturally responsive practice and cultural humility





Role of leadership in systems change: Focus on RTI and Professional Learning Communities

联合首席研究员(与安德鲁·斯奈德), RIC) 3年的标题II补助金, 与RIHOE和中央瀑布的合作, “An Integrated Model of Professional Development.” Through cooperative work with the Rhode Island Association of School Principals, 该奖助金旨在发展专业学习社区,其成员知识渊博,能够使用评估和RTI来指导高质量的教学,从而对识字和数学成绩产生积极和直接的影响.


This project is a collaboration with a 3rd grade teacher at Henry Barnard School, Ms. 芭芭拉·奥德斯和指导顾问. Janet Fraatz继续报道. This project addresses anxiety in students in a 3rd grade classroom. Consistent with best practice in mental health service delivery in the schools, 一个三层RTI(干预反应)框架指导课程和干预选择,并得到数据的支持. 这个项目的一个独特的方面是基于放松技术的研究工作与有希望发展的新课程的整合,使用瑜伽来减少压力. 这补充了基于证据的认知行为干预措施,解决那些被确定为有风险的个体的焦虑. 

由伊丽莎白·吉本斯·霍尔兹曼获得的Feinstein学院师生合作基金, 格雷琴康涅狄格州, 芭芭拉·奥德斯和珍妮特·弗拉茨. 2009年1月

Holtzman E. (2010年3月). From yoga to group counseling: Addressing one classroom’s anxiety needs. 论文将在芝加哥伊利诺斯州全国学校心理学家协会年度会议上发表.

Holtzman E.——奥德斯·B. & Fraatz J. (2009年11月). 从瑜伽到团体咨询:区分对抗焦虑,促进积极应对课堂上的日常压力. 在前景实践会议上发表, 12th Annual Multicultural Conference and Annual Research Fair.


Kalina Brabeck (CEP部门), RIC)和我正在与一群优秀的研究生合作一个项目,以提高职前教师候选人对约会暴力的认识,提高如何识别早期预警信号并在自己的实践社区内做出反应的自我效能感. 这个计划与社区大力推动与这个重要议题相关的高品质训练有关的努力相关联,这与国际扶轮最近的立法(林赛·安妮·伯克法案)相符,该法案要求所有初高中学生都必须参加, teachers and administrators be educated in the area of dating violence prevention. 

Holtzman E.Lebeouf, L; & Piccirillo,. (2010年3月). 教育 professionals and teen dating violence: Roles, responsibility and opportunity. 论文将在芝加哥伊利诺斯州全国学校心理学家协会年度会议上发表.

鲍比达K.M. Gibbons-Holtzman E., Metro, S.Leboef, L., & Piccirillo一. (2010年2月). 教育 professionals and teen dating violence: Roles, responsibility and opportunity. “人际暴力和虐待跨越生命周期”全国峰会接受海报. 达拉斯,TX.

Holtzman E. G.& Piccirillo,. (2009年4月). 促进国际扶轮教师候选人知识及自我效能以应对青少年约会暴力. 在波士顿,麻萨诸塞州全国学校心理学家协会年会上发表的论文.

Piccirillo,.Lebeouf, L., Metro, S.霍兹曼,E. & 鲍比达K. (2009年5月). Increasing Pre‐Service Teachers’ Self‐Efficacy to Respond to Teen Dating Violence. Presentation at the Rhode Island College Student Convocation of Scholars. 普罗维登斯,国际扶轮.


Holtzman E. (2014-15)正念与教师健康. 范斯坦教育与人类发展学院(RIC)师生合作资助. ($960.00) 

Holtzman E. (2013-14)促进所有学生的学业成功:早期情感和行为筛查的力量与亨利巴纳德学校执行功能技能发展的分层支持相结合. RIC创新实验室(832美元).75) 

Rossi-D 'entremont K.M.兰伯特,C.霍兹曼,E. & Rancout C. (2013) Self-Advocates in Learning (SAIL) Project. 美国学习障碍基金会. ($13, 690.00) 

Holtzman E. & 斯奈德,. (2007-2010). An Integrated Model of Professional Development. 与罗德岛学校校长协会和中央瀑布学区合作. Title II Rhode Island Higher 教育 Partnership Grant. ($138,000.00). 

Holtzman E.康涅狄格州,G.B. & Fraatz J. (2009). 用瑜伽来缓解课堂上的压力. 范斯坦教育与人类发展学院(RIC)师生合作资助. ($1001.59) 

Dowd-Eagle,年代.鹰,J. & Holtzman E.G. (2009). School psychology interns’ outcome evaluations of field based interventions. 范斯坦教育与人类发展学院(RIC)师生合作资助. ($1000.00) 

Holtzman E. & 鲍比达K. (2008-2009). Raising teacher self efficacy to respond to teen dating violence. esball官方网教师研究基金. ($1370.00) 


Advisory Board, Mount Pleasant Teacher Academy

Board member, Rhode Island School Psychology Association



Licensed Psychologist (2000-present) Clinical interests include child, adolescent and family counseling for emotional and social challenges; teacher stress and school adjustment.

顾问(2000年至今)为学校提供专业发展培训及支援, 与个人社会和情感功能相关的专业团体和组织, 课堂和系统级别.
