Dr. 利比普费弗

  • 副教授

Dr. Pfeiffer is on sabbatical leave for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya


性病/HIV-1研究聘博士后, 微生物与免疫学学系, 印第安纳大学医学院

PhD (Anthropology with a minor in 非洲研究): Indiana University, Bloomington 





2022 Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma.  Special Series in 医学人类学:健康, 不平等 与社会正义. 新不伦瑞克,新泽西州,罗格斯大学出版社.

阅读更多关于Dr. Pfeiffer的书: 病毒摩擦|罗格斯大学出版社
And here: The persistence of HIV stigma in Kenya - The Lancet 传染病


2023  伊丽莎白·J·菲佛. “Narratives on Reproductive Justice among Black Adolescent Girls in Clinical Research in the US.” 医学人类学: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 4(3):222-235. doi: 10.1080/01459740.2023.2185145. 

2022  伊丽莎白·J·菲佛.切尔西·L. 威尔逊·德·保拉著. 弗洛雷斯和亚历山大. Lavallee. “Barriers to patients’ acceptance of social care interventions in clinic settings.” 美国预防医学杂志 63 (3 s2): S116-S121. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2022.03.035  

约翰·汉弗莱.玛莎·阿莱拉,贝特·基普丘姆巴, 伊丽莎白J. Pfeiffer, 茱莉亚Songok, 温弗雷德Mwangi, 威克利夫Kosgei, Musick贝弗利, 江诗丹顿Yiannoutsos, Juddy Wachira, Kara Wools Kaloustian. “A Qualitative Study of the Barriers and Enhancers to Retention in Care for Pregnant and Postpartum Women with HIV.” 全球公共卫生 1(10): e0000004. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.pgph.0000004.

2021    伊丽莎白·J·菲佛.哈里森·M. K. Maithya. “The Cultural Politics of Secrecy during HIV Home Counseling and Testing Campaigns in Kenya.” 文化、卫生 & Sexuality 23(7):867–82. doi:10.1080/13691058.2020.1736632.

2018    伊丽莎白·J·菲佛. “‘The Post-Election Violence Has Brought Shame on This place’: Narratives, Place, 以及肯尼亚西部的道德暴力.” 非洲研究评论 61(2):183–209. doi:10.1017/asr.2017.117.

2018.  伊丽莎白·J·菲佛. 和哈里森·M. K. Maithya.  “蛊惑性工作者, 责备妻子:艾滋病, Stigma, 以及肯尼亚西部恐慌中的性别政治.” 全球公共卫生 13 (2): 234-248.

2017.  布莱恩·约瑟夫·吉利和 伊丽莎白J. Pfeiffer. “White Man’s Disease:  American Indian AIDS Conspiracy Theory and the Refusal of Synthesis.” 医学人类学理论 4 (3): 1-20.

2017. 伊丽莎白·J·菲佛.哈里森·M. K. Maithya, Mary Ott和Kara Wools-Kaloustian.  “危险的身体, 不可预知的头脑:艾滋病, 精神障碍, 以及肯尼亚西部的病耻感综合症.” In 生物社会健康基础, edited by Shir Lerman, Bayla Ostrach, and Merrill Singer. 肯塔基州列克星敦:列克星敦书店.

2016.  伊丽莎白·J·菲佛., Kyle A. McGregor, Barbara Van Der Pol, Cathlene Hardy Hansen, and Mary A. Ott. “Willingness to Disclose STI Status to Sex Partners among College-Aged Men.” 性传播疾病 43 (3): 204–206.


ANTH 101:文化人类学入门 
ANTH 265: Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood 
ANTH 261:全球卫生的复杂性 



Dr. Pfeiffer is an applied sociocultural anthropologist with specializations in medical anthropology, 全球公共卫生, 和非洲研究. 作为一名医学人类学家. Pfeiffer is committed to the pursuit of global health equity and collaborating with others to help solve health-related problems in our shared world. Her teaching and research interests broadly include infectious diseases (especially HIV), health disparities and the 健康的社会决定因素, 关键的全球卫生, 和性, 生殖, 以及撒哈拉以南非洲的青少年健康, 美国(US), 和牙买加. 

Dr. Pfeiffer has spent a considerable amount of time in East Africa, 进行强化, clinic and community-based ethnographic research that explores how and why HIV-related stigma and discrimination persists in the age of treatment in western Kenya. 这项工作是一本书的基础, Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya that was recently published in the Rutgers University Press Series, 医学人类学:健康, 不平等, 与社会正义. 

除了博士. Pfeiffer的人种学研究, 在过去的十五年里, she has collaborated on multiple qualitative and mixed-methods research projects centered on the social and 结构 barriers to HIV treatment and care, 健康的社会决定因素, 社会风险筛查和护理项目, 和生殖, sexual, 青少年, 以及肯尼亚和美国的妇幼保健. She has also conducted anthropological research and directed study abroad programs in Jamaica. 


在公休期间. Pfeiffer is engaged in three new research projects:
1)第一项研究, “Collecting Oral Histories to Understand the Perspectives and Experiences of PLWHIV and Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya,” is funded by a RIC Faculty Scholarship Grant and is being done in collaboration with Dr. 紫南宇(台湾莫伊大学)及博士. Leslie Enane (印第安纳大学医学院). 这项工作扩展了. Pfeiffer’s previous research and is an oral history project examining the impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns on the everyday lives, 视角, and experiences of people living with HIV—and their HIV care providers—in western Kenya.  

2)    Also funded by a RIC Faculty Scholarship Grant, Dr. Pfeiffer的第二个项目, “气候变化, 社会正义, 以及肯尼亚的健康差距试点研究,” is an ethnographic exploration of the social impacts of climate change in eastern Kenya and is being completed in collaboration with Dr. 哈里森米.K. Maithya(肯尼亚东南大学). The primary objective of this preliminary work is to begin to explore, describe, and compare the diverse ways that people are making sense of the social, 结构, and health-related impacts of climate change—and the national responses to it—in Makueni County, where the effects of climate change and environment degradation have produced drought and arid conditions, 加剧了粮食不安全.  

3)    With funding provided through Health Care Education & 培训(HCET). Pfeiffer is also collaborating with a multidisciplinary team of researchers to conduct an evaluation of the implementation of a 生殖 health 和性ity education program for women at a women’s prison in the US. 


医学人类学, 非洲研究, 开发/全球化, 关键的全球健康, 传染病, HIV/AIDS, 生殖健康, 科学与技术研究, 健康的社会决定因素, 污名和歧视, Education, 应用人类学, Ethnographic and Community-Engaged Participatory Research